Abstract Submission
Submission of abstract proposals for paper and poster presentations for the 2025 Annual Meeting are now open until Thursday, October 10, 2024. To access the Abstract Submission site, click here: AGS 2025 Annual Meeting Abstracts (xcdsystem.com)
Abstract Submission Requirements & FAQs
Control of Content
The American Glaucoma Society (AGS) considers presenting authors, not co-authors, to be in control of the educational content. It is AGS policy and traditional scientific publishing and professional courtesy to acknowledge all people contributing to the research, regardless of CME control of the live presentation of that content. Though they are acknowledged, co-authors do not have control of the CME content, their disclosures will be collected for review by the program committee and if the abstract is selected for a Paper Presentation will be published and resolved.
Abstracts must not exceed 2500 characters (including spaces) and a maximum of one image. References do not count towards the character limit.
All authors must disclose all financial interests. Presenting author disclosures will be reviewed and published, co-author disclosures will be reviewed by the committee during the review and grading process.
Financial relationships can take the form of payment to the individual, payments to the individual’s institution (including grant support), material support for research in the form of the instruments or other supplies, or other financial benefits to the individual resulting from stock equity, patents, or royalties.
The AGS considers presenting authors, not co-authors, to be in control of the educational content. Though they are acknowledged, co-authors do not have control of content but their disclosures will be collected for review by the program committee. If selected for a paper presentation all disclosures will be listed in the CME disclosure section of the program book.
Presenters who are employed by an ineligible company may be permitted to present under specific circumstances:
- When the content is not related to the business lines or products of their employer;
- When the content does not involve human subjects research, and is instead limited to basic science research (e.g., pre-clinical research, drug discovery) or the processes/methodologies of research, themselves unrelated to a specific disease or compound/drug;
- As technicians in Skills Transfer Labs limited to demonstrating the safe and proper use of medical devices.
AGS presentations may not be used for commercial promotion.
Presenters will allocate at least 5 seconds (10 seconds if more than 5 disclosures are listed) to display financial relationships on the first or second slide of their original paper presentation, or on the poster and/or video. This is required even if the presenter has no financial interest. The presenter should also verbally disclose any financial interest relevant to the presentation.
Even with disclosure, presentations should never promote the use of any commercial product.
An ineligible company is any entity producing, marketing, re-selling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on patients.
No, but an AGS member must be an author or co-author on the abstract submission.
No, but an AGS member must be an author or co-author on the abstract submission.
Paper/Poster presentations require a complete submission (all fields must be filled out) of an abstract for consideration. If all fields are not complete, the abstract will not be reviewed.
Please remember that your abstract submission data is submitted as FINAL and there will NOT be an opportunity to edit or change content of your abstract once you submit.
Individuals can be a presenting author on one submission only, though you may be a co-author on multiple abstracts.
You may be a presenting author on only one (1) submitted abstract but may be a co-author on other submitted abstracts.
Yes, you may submit multiple abstracts, you may be a co-author on multiple abstracts, BUT can only be a presenting author on one (1) submitted abstract.
No, submissions are only accepted electronically via the AGS abstract submission website. Abstracts sent by paper mail or email will not be accepted.
The Program Committee reviews all abstracts and reserves the right to accept or reject abstracts for inclusion in the Program. Notification of the Committee's action on submitted abstracts will be sent in late December 2024.
Yes, all presenters must pre-register for the Annual Meeting by January 10, 2025, in order to present the accepted abstract and have it published in the final program.
Meeting registration information will be emailed with the acceptance notification.
A limited number of paper presentations are discussed at the meeting. Some paper submissions may be chosen for posters and vice versa depending on your submission preference and score.
Authors are required to upload a photo at the time of submission. Your photo will be published in the annual meeting program book if your abstract is selected, or on our online schedule if selected as a poster presentation.
By submitting an abstract, all individuals agree to be available in person Wednesday, February 26 - Sunday, March 2, 2025. An exception will only be made for religious purposes. You will have the opportunity to identify conflicts within your abstract submission.
All authors and co-authors must agree with the content of the presentation, and acknowledge an active role in the project.
All presentations may be recorded or videotaped.
If you withdraw your abstract or presentation after November 30, 2024 or fail to appear at presentation time, AGS may exclude you from any listing or participation in the AGS meeting program for 2 years unless a medical or personal emergency has caused the withdrawal.
The abstract receipt deadline is October 10, 2024 at 10:00 am PT/ 1:00 pm ET, it will remain firm and any abstracts received after the deadline will not be accepted. Changes to abstracts may not be made once the deadline passes. The AGS will not review any abstract submissions submitted as hard copies or via email.
No, the AGS does not pay honoraria or travel/housing expenses for invited presenters, oral or poster presenters with exception of honored lectures and honored guests.
Yes, more abstracts are submitted than can be accepted. To help the Program Committee fairly evaluate the proposed presentations, it is essential that abstracts be informative for both the reviewers and meeting attendees. The structure of your abstract should include succinct statements, which cover the following areas:
- Purpose/Relevance - Why was this study/research performed?
- Methods - How was this studied?
- Results - Principal data and statistical analysis
- Discussion - What is the interpretation of the data?
- Conclusion - What is the relevance to clinical practice or future research?
- References - Up to three references
- Do not use proprietary names alone in the title or body of the abstract. If necessary, you may include a proprietary name in parentheses directly after the generic name on first use in the body of the abstract. The American Glaucoma Society reserves the right to replace proprietary names with generic names.
No, AGS does not allow submission of "Encore Abstracts" (abstracts where a portion of the data has been presented at another meeting).
Top scoring abstracts will be invited to present either an oral paper presentation or an in person poster presentation. Other abstracts may be accepted as virtual ePosters. If invited to present either an oral paper presentation or an in person poster presentation, you must attend in person - virtual presentations will not be permitted.